Clothespins Galore

Lalawoo can remember growing up helping grandmother hang clothes with the wooden clothespins on those wired clotheslines. However, pins are no longer for hanging...

Needlework Threads, Bobbins, and Colors ~ Oh my!

Lalawoo's other passions are the design creations with needlework as found in cross-stitch and hand embroidery which involves the various colors and thread types...

Cork Jar Silk Flower Arrangement

Who doesn't love a beautiful bouquet of florals and this one is one that brings cork and silk together. Lalawoo can never have enough...

Decorated Lemonade Canister for Headbands

Head bands are great for anyone to wear and Lalawoo has found that a great way to keep them stored is to recycle your...

Decorated Small Clipboard

Clip boards are wonderful little temporary storage areas. Lalawoo loves collecting colored notepads in various sizes and this mini clipboard gives the paper support...

Hot Drink Bar

Lalawoo loves a wonderful Hot Drink Bar and during the cold months there's always a need for warmth. The best way to create one...