Silk Flowers Lantern

Decorative floral pieces placed in your most special nook, tabletop or desk seem to add the perfect flare.

This lantern was purchased at a discount retailer. They tend to be a seasonal item. You can also find them at larger craft and decorative chain stores. Another idea is using a decorative bird cage to capture the statement you are trying to make.

When purchasing your lantern try to find one that makes sense for the location placement by keeping the size and color appropriate for all to view. Next, decide on the colors to use based on your decor. Lalawoo chose colors of various pinks, blush and rose tones with hints of ivory accented with a mixed greenery.

Next, begin to take your blooms apart from their stems and place them inside your lantern alternating the colors and even placing them outside the latern loosely or hot gluing them together so they remain in tack together and even to the lantern. Consider leaving the door open or closed as it's pure pleasure on your part. Lastly, place greenery throughout the lantern or adorn sporadically. Once you have placed your florals to your eyes approval then place them in that special spot.

Hint: A great spot for placement is where you enjoy your favorite tea or coffee or where you journal or design.

Here's to your visual Lalawoo getaway! ~ Lalawoo